Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Beginning of the End (of Grad School)

It's been a year and a half since I last updated this blog. I have no clear reasoning why I left it when I did, other than grad school does, in fact, get more difficult and more busy as the years progress. But, I'm finally in the home stretch, in my final year of grad school with a graduation date of December 2018, and I think that deserves documenting.

However, a lot has happened between that last post and now. So here are some photos of the highlights from the past year and a half (in no particular order) --

Went to Australia (and promptly fell in love with Australia)

Attended some weddings

Spent time with family (and adopted family)
Visiting Ohio to bid Jeff farewell before he left for his year-long deployment
in South Korea

Post ghost-tour in Colonial Williamsburg

Doing a family escape room (spoiler - we didn't escape in time)

Cheering on Dad as he gets inducted as president for the AAE

Walking the Trail of Lights with the Avants

Had on campus adventures
That one time Ellen came on campus and told everyone to dress like Beyonce

Moved the entire lab to a new building. This is one of the many
crates of garbage we filled

Saved a baby dove

Stalked baby Bevo

And just adventured in general
Opening Day with the Creightons and Aunt Gretchen

Went to Universal Orlando with Mindy

Found Elvis in Memphis

Did my first 10K as part of the Air Force Marathon

Went and saw my favorite, Jeff Dye