Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Twenty Three

Two days after returning from Washington, my immune system decided it would be a splendid time to succumb to a horrific cold. The past 4 days have been spent sneezing, coughing, and generally sounding (and feeling) like the most disgusting person ever. It's been a dream. So this post will be dedicated to reminiscing over my visit to Washington a week ago.

First up was a trip to my alma mater, St. Martin's, to give a grad school talk. As far as I know it went well, and it was surreal/wonderful to be back on that small, quaint little campus. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I went back. The evening ended with dinner at one of my favorite restaurants (Budd Bay Cafe) with some of my favorite people, Greg and Laurie Creighton. Thank you for the delicious salmon dinner!

Next up was traveling to Puyallup, where the wedding festivities commenced on Saturday morning. Here we are at Amanda's mom's house doing hair and makeup for the big event later that evening. It was a time of many curling irons and much hair spray.

Once we were all pretty, we got all dressed up for photos. The bridesmaids dresses looked great, but let me tell you...it was an adventure to travel with that thing between Austin and Seattle. Because it was winter in Washington, Amanda kindly supplied us all with fur wraps to keep us warm while we gracefully waltzed around Tacoma taking pre-wedding photos (and when I say "gracefully waltzed", I mean "awkwardly got out of cars while simultaneously trying to hold an umbrella and our dresses and trying to prevent getting the pale pink satin dirty with mud").

My old friend Mary and my new friend Annie at the wedding.

My roommate from freshman year at George Fox, Emily.

And finally, the beautiful bride, Amanda.

My time in Washington ended with gallivanting around Olympia with one of my other best friends, Abbie. We went by my favorite used book store, walked around the harbor, and ate at my favorite restaurant downtown. It was the perfect end to a perfect trip.

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