Thursday, March 3, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Thirty Two

I know, I disappeared for a while. I've been battling the cold that just won't quit, and thankfully I seem to be at the very tail end of it. I think I can speak for my entire lab when I say we all can't wait for my sinuses to get back to normal.

My past 10 days have included lots of catching up at work after being in Washington for 6 days followed by being sick for a week. I've successfully overcome a research hurdle that's been plaguing me (yay!), gone to my first baseball game of the season (UT lost real bad), had a mental breakdown over grad school (the semi-annual "what have I don't with my life, I'm never going to get out of here" moment), gotten a massage (it seems I'm tense?), and tutored some young'ns in the basics of chemistry (where I remind myself that I'm not as dumb as I feel sometimes).

I also went to a baby shower for my cousin Emily, where I made a chemistry-themed baby block because you cannot sneak attack me with crafts and not expect me to immediately revert to my comfort zone, molecules. It was for this baby shower that I went shopping for a picture book to gift Emily, and was reminded that people will publish kids books about literally anything. Some favorites were "Who Flung Dung?" and "My Mother is a Foreigner, But Not to Me." I ended up going with "Shamoo: A Whale of a Cow" - the inspiring story of a cow who becomes best friends with a humpback whale and realizes his dream of living and swimming in the ocean. This is not even a joke. Clearly if this whole grad school thing doesn't work out, I can go in to the field of children's literature. Because they will publish the weirdest things ever.

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