Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Fifty

Let's all blame my lack of posting on SXSW. I didn't actually go to the festival, because I don't have a million bajillion dollars, but I did have to constantly figure out how to navigate around the horrible traffic it causes. But guess what? Today was the last day! The roads can now return to their normal state of bad Texas driving.

This past week was also spring break at UT, which meant a blissful week of work with no undergrads clogging campus. My research did its best to ruin my good mood, but I've gotten used to it rarely working at this point. There's a reason it takes as long as it does to get a PhD. Cross your fingers that this week brings greater success!

As far as fun things go, I've enjoyed both Rodeo Austin and some Texas baseball this past week. The rodeo is always lots of fun, and always reminds me of how different Texas is compared to where I grew up. There's nothing like watching grown men try to ride bulls or throw themselves off horses so they can tackle and flip over a steer. And the best part of it all is we got to watch all this happen from 4th row box seats! Our section of the bleachers (because I'm not willing to pay the amount of money required to get box seats) was chosen to be seat fillers until the rich box seat people showed up, that way the rodeo looked filled to capacity to people watching on TV. We got lucky and the people whose seats we took never showed up! Best surprise ever. I'll post some photos tomorrow when I'm writing my blog post from my laptop and not my phone.

I also took in a UT baseball game yesterday, because I'm hopelessly addicted. We lost, which we're doing with surprising consistency this year, but I still love them. And I got to take a friend of mine to her very first baseball game, which made it even more fun.

Tomorrow.......back to work. What a drag.

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