Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Sixty

Okay, so I can't blame SXSW for my lack of posting these past 10 days. To make up for it, I'll make this a picture post! And I promise to do better...I promise.

Rodeo Austin! This is what I did instead of SXSW. You can see
how calm and serene the bull rider is on the big screen.

Katelyn and I at the rodeo, being excellent box-seat fillers.

Amanda's wedding photos are here! Here we
are looking adorable.

And here we are being completely normal.

The bridal party.

Here's a shot of part of the Shear Lab (including the boss-man, Dr. Shear)
at the Recruitment Weekend poster session last week.

I took the chem department recruit I was hosting to a UT baseball game, and
we snuck in to first row seats behind home plate for the last two innings.

It was basically like we were on the field with the team.

And this is just something random that happened
today when camels appeared on campus.

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