Saturday, July 20, 2013

Born and Raised

I can think of no better way to say goodbye to my final days in Washington than to go to a John Mayer concert with one of my closest friends, Amanda. The official tour name, 'Born and Raised,' felt completely appropriate for this time in my did John know?! With all the changes getting ready to happen, the lyrics "One of these days I'll be/Born and raised and it/All comes on without warning" were perfect.

Amanda and I with my fancy (not really) John Mayer tote bag. It's pretty
much paper-thin, so it's going to end up getting framed instead of used.

The show started at 7:30pm, and we rolled into the parking lot at around close! Thank goodness for reserved seats! Phillip Phillips started the show, and while I may not have watched American Idol for a few years now, I understand why he won. He was great! He has got to be so sick of singing that song "Home" though, no matter how much we all love it. Then John Mayer took the stage with one of the more stunning stage set-ups that I've seen. Fake mountains with a starry night background? Yes please, it was so relaxing to look at.

John Mayer and his crazy wonderful background set.

Thank you Amanda, Phillip Phillips, and John Mayer for giving me such an amazing Washington memory right before moving. And even though we got hopelessly lost for half an hour trying to find the highway after the show (oops), the night couldn't have been more perfect.

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