Sunday, July 28, 2013

Five Days

Is it really only five days until I'm in Austin? How are things moving so fast? These past few days have been complete madness. All of my things were packed and shipped this past Thursday, leaving me with a largely empty room and very little to do at the house except read one of the few books I left behind, watch TV, or stare at the wall (all of which have already been done at some point). And with no car, I've had to ask (beg?) people to ferry me around. It's like I'm fourteen years old all over again. Luckily, friends and family have helped me stay occupied and forget that my entire life is about to change in less than a week.

Friday, my best friend Amanda and I went on a hike in Olympia at Ellis Cove. I googled the hike to see how long/treacherous the hike was, and it said the hike was considered 'easy.' Google lied. SO many hills, along with side trails that left us hopelessly confused and wishing we had a map.

Enjoying the view from above and conveniently forgetting that we'd have
to trek back up these stairs at the end of the hike.

Conquerer of the dirt mound.

View from the cove. Hello, beautiful Olympia.

In the middle of one of our 'where are we?' side trials when Amanda found
out I had food in my backpack. Quickly followed by "Are you kidding me,
Allison? I am starving!"

So. Tired.

That evening, on exhausted post-hike legs, my dad and I went to watch the Mariners lose yet again at Safeco Field. But, we're so used to this outcome that it had no impact on our enjoyment of the game. And, as usual, my favorite player Justin Smoak did a big fat nothing on all four of his at bats. Way to go, Justin. Way to go. We sat in the 'King's Court,' which only happens when 'King' Felix Hernandez is pitching. By sitting in this section, we got shirts and a giant 'K' sign to wave around whenever a strike-out was imminent. Best section ever.

Dad and I in our King's Court shirts. Notice the random man photo-bombing
us in the background.

Felix Hernandez. Notice the PACKED stadium...oh wait.

Standing and waving around my 'K' sign. This is the most cardio I've ever
gotten at a baseball game, as we stood whenever Felix had 2 strikes against
a batter - which happened a lot.

I found this gem of a photo-op when getting food.

Oh Dad. Your face in this gets me every time.

Last but not least, yesterday we lost a very special man. One of my former high school teachers (and beloved OHS baseball/football coach) lost his battle with brain cancer. Rest in peace Mr. McDougall. I imagine that in heaven, you'll have the best view of all the baseball and football games you could ever wish to watch.

We all love and miss you McDougs.

1 comment:

  1. I spy a husky photobombing your picture. Or maybe he's just indicating how much his hat was on sale for
