Friday, August 2, 2013

Austin - Day One

I finally said goodbye to Washington today, and it wasn't easy. It even rained for the first time in month (I'm pretty sure it was Washington weeping that I was leaving...maybe not). But, five hours later I was de-boarding into the 102 degree heat of Austin. Oh. My. Gosh. Why did I move during the hottest time of the year?

On my way to Texas. Bye Seattle!

First stop in Austin was Schlotzky's for dinner, which was basically a dream come true for my mom and dad. Then again, we were all so ravenous from the plane ride that I'm pretty sure we would have been happy eating anything. Then...we visited the blueberry! It made it safe and sound, and is now equipped with it's own UT flag (thanks Gran and Papa!).

My blueberry, safe and sound in Austin.

I was quickly reminded of the bug situation here in Texas. I actually miss the giant monster mosquitos in Washington, because at least you can see them coming. The mosquitos here in Texas are basically invisible assassins, before I knew it I already had 3 bug bites and was racing back indoors. Also, cicadas are unbelievably loud. I kept looking around for a crow-sized bird, then I was told it was a bug. Fantastic.

I just want you all to see what my weekend looks like. Notice how the lows here are the same as the highs in Washington. Though I'm not sure I believe it ever hits that low, considering at 9pm it was still 96 degrees. Tomorrow will be mass furniture shopping. Wish me luck. I'll be the one sprinting from air conditioned building to air conditioned building.

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