Friday, August 9, 2013

Day Eight

Still no wifi. Apparently the cable cord needed to activate internet was cut...bitter past renters? I'm thinking so. So tomorrow morning, we'll be waiting for the internet guy, the cable tv guy, and the stove repairman, who are all scheduled to come roughly at the same time. What an exciting morning it will be! Hopefully all goes smoothly. BUT, our shower works! Yay! It's been thoroughly Clorox-ed, and it's ready to go. 

Today consisted of all things house related. I finally completed both my rooms, and I'm so so happy with them. I even have open space on one of my closet shelves! What an unexpected surprise. My mom and I had an epic battle with the bedroom curtain rod, but we emerged victorious (barely). Tomorrow...the study curtain rod. I'm not sure we're motivated or brave enough to tackle it tonight.

Finally, an organized closet and shelf.

Curtains! They were a hard fought battle.

Diplomas and the space needle. And my amazing trunk that I'm still
obsessed with (thanks Dad!).

The most eventful moment of the day came after dinner. When our car died. And we were stranded at Jason's Deli for an hour and a half in 102 degree heat. AAA finally came to the rescue, but it was seriously hot out. I decided to make the most of the moment and go shopping across the parking lot at Marshall's. Two more pairs of running shorts are now mine, which are going to be well used in this goodness. I almost bought another UT football jersey (it was only $15), but I was able to hold back. Barely. There's UT stuff everywhere, it is insane. For some reason I wasn't expecting it.

Our new AAA friend. He gave us cold bottles of water. Therefore, he was
the best.

Now it's time to break in my TV. I haven't even used it yet, I've been so constantly busy this past week. It'll be nice to finally just sit and relax. Tomorrow, I get to hang out with a couple of my aunts! I am in Texas, and family is EVERYWHERE.

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