Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day Five

Tonight will mark my first night sleeping in my new home. But...I'm not there yet. Since we don't have our internet set up yet, I have to borrow wireless from my grandparents. I also have to borrow their shower...because ours doesn't work...which is unfortunate. But the good news - my study finally has new floors! Yay! I can start moving things in to the room tomorrow morning, and I cannot wait. I was able to unpack all of my bedroom boxes, and while it's still cluttered with boxes for the study and things to go in the attic, it's finally starting to feel like home. My landlord also got us all new house keys...my key is burnt orange with a longhorn on it (for University of Texas), one roommate has her alma mater for her key (Texas A&M), and the other roommate had to settle for Texas Rangers, as no Texas Tech themed key was found at Home Depot. Poor Kelly. Everyone is having a good time with the fact that we have a UT student, A&M grad, and Tech grad all in one house, since they're the three biggest rival schools in the state of Texas. Football season should get interesting in the Allison/Allyson/Kelly household.

We had lunch today with my grandparents at County Line, which has DELICIOUS barbeque. And bake amazing fresh bread every day that I could live off of. It's not the classiest of establishments, but they make their quirkiness work for them.

County Line - home of the giant fake two-headed longhorn.

Today the temperature reached a high of 104. We didn't hit 99 until 8:30pm. Tomorrow and Thursday are supposed to be 106. Washington, I miss you. I will never call the mid-80s miserable ever again, I promise! Now will you please send some rain this way? On a final note, thank you to the Avants for my DVD shelf and new desk chair (which will now be referred to as 'Avant' the chair...if you thought I was kidding about this in the car, guess again).

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