Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day Seven

Today was UT day! My mom and I planned to leave at 9:15...and left at 10:00. Luckily, that time is apparently the sweet spot for traffic, because we hit none. It was amazing. First I went to the parking office to try and get a permit, where I was told I couldn't get one because while I was accepted as a student, their office still didn't 'view me as a student yet.' What? It didn't make any sense, but it was too hot to deal with anymore, so I just moved on to the next stop...Welch Hall!

Welch Hall.

Welch Hall will be my new home for the next 5 years. Prestigious looking, right? And, the two lights on the side of the doors make me think I'm entering a building at Hogwarts (bonus!). I don't exactly know my way around this behemoth of a building yet, so we kind of wandered around for a while before stumbling upon the desired destination - the Graduate Studies office. I took care of finance paperwork (yay for soon-to-be incoming cash!) and got a map of campus. I was then instructed to get my student ID card. I was so excited about this, and I didn't even get lost on the way to the student union building (but only because of the map).

It's official!

Last stop...naturally the Co-op. For those of you not versed in UT speak, the Co-op is the gigantic all-things-UT store on campus. Also known as one of my parents' favorite places in the world. I stocked up on some UT swag, including track shorts, a football jersey (for only $25, my bargain hunting skills are unbeatable), a mug, and more. If I'm going to be a longhorn for 5 years, I'm going to make it count. Thankfully, my mom and I each bought bottled waters before going back to the parking garage, where we got hopelessly lost for 15 minutes. "Were we on level 3? No, was it level 4? Oh, it was in between levels 2 and 3." For those of you not in Austin, it is way to hot for us to be making such mistakes as forgetting where we parked. Oops. But, I did make a friend...giant Bevo.

He's large, and proud of it.

My office is finally complete, and my bedroom is almost there, just a few more things to organize. We were also able to get Kelly a Texas Tech key today for the house, woohoo! Overall, a successful day. Hopefully, tomorrow will just be final touches and relaxation. Oh, and internet is finally getting installed. I'm excited.

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