Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day Fourteen

Another no-picture blog day. If I had supreme photography skills I would try and capture the lightning happening outside right now, but it eludes me every time I try to snap a photo. That's right, I'm currently experiencing my first Texas thunderstorm. So far neither the thunder or lightning have fallen right above us yet, and I'm hoping it stays that way. There is a steady rain outside though, which is nice.

My day had a less-than-nice beginning. There I was, just lounging in bed listening to music when I glanced down at the floor and saw a big roach scurrying across my brand new rug. Gross. Luckily I had an empty cup near my bed and was able to trap the thing before performing an extensive examination of all the nooks and crannies in both my rooms to make sure none of his friends followed him. Luckily, he was the only one. While I wish he hadn't found his way to my room, I'm not surprised we had a bug in the house considering the doors were always open for workmen and we had that giant gaping hole in our kitchen for a day. Then a couple hours later I opened the door to let Otter out, and another ran inside! My roommate shrieked, her cousin Trent shrieked (and lost major manly points in my book), and the roach received a healthy dose of lavender scented Raid (which I didn't realize existed until today). Not to worry though, we called pest control and they're coming Monday. Until then, we'll be armed with empty cups and Raid at all times.

In better news, we finally got cable today! We now have Dish network, and less than a day into it we all love it. We still have no internet, but decided to sever ties with AT&T and are now attempting a different internet company, Time Warner. As of now, we should get internet installed on Monday. Pest control and internet in the same day?! I know, it doesn't get any more exciting than that. We all have our fingers crossed that we'll finally get wifi, but I think at the same time we've almost lost all hope. Also in better news, I filled up my car with gas for the first time today, and it only cost $24. Um, whoa. Texas, you're slowly redeeming yourself after bombarding me with both hot weather and crazy allergies. I can live with this gas price.

You know what I just googled? If you can shower in a thunderstorm. Unfortunately, the answer is no (it's even Mythbusters tested, so it has to be true). This means I'll be sleeping with arms that smell like bug spray. Mosquitos, you're ruining my life even when I'm inside.

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