Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day Nine

Still no wifi. And no cable tv. Apparently, all of our outdoor cable cords were cut, not just the one needed for activating the internet. Wonderful. As my roommate said, "the nightmare continues." And as the cable guy said, it looks like the cords were suspiciously tampered with. But, at least the stove got fixed today, and we can finally use it without making the whole house smell like carbon monoxide. Woohoo!

Today was a crazy day full of visiting family members. First was lunch with my Aunt Carole and cousins Josh and Brandi (and her two kids Bryce and Hailey). We ate at Kerbey Lane Cafe, and I was in heaven once I realized they served breakfast all day. I'm pretty sure I would be the happiest person ever if I could just eat breakfast food for every meal for the rest of my life. The restaurant was loud, but the food and company were both great, which more than made up for the intense noise surrounding us. Then Brandi whipped out a batman mask, and I had to take advantage. This was no flimsy plastic mask...this thing was legit.

My superhero transformation in Kerbey Lane Cafe.

Then, we went to another wonderful place - Costco! I was on a mission for AA batteries and sunscreen in bulk. I was severely disappointed with Costco for their lack of a giant container of sunscreen. Seriously, how could a Costco in Texas not have that? If they did, they'd be so much wealthier than they already are. Shame on you, Costco. Then we passed a behemoth of a fitness center and decided to take a gander inside to see if this held potential as my future gym. The place was like a luxury fitness club, and had the monthly fee to fit. $74 a month? Um, no thank you. I would prefer to be able to buy food on my grad student salary. The search continues.

The day ended with a huge dinner at my Grandpa Myers' and Mary Campbell's house. Our food came to us courtesy of County Line (yum), and I was able to see another aunt and two more cousins - my Aunt Cathy and her sons Eli and Isaac. Aunt Cathy gave me a graduation gift which consisted of books about Texas humor and how to become a did she know that I was sticking out like a sore thumb? Thank you Winter family, for all of my graduation gifts. I love and greatly appreciate them all!

It's still hot out. And there may be thunder and lightning tomorrow. And my sinuses have tipped over from manageable to unmanageable. Walk-in clinic, I'm coming at you tomorrow. Please be kind to my poor, hot, stuffed up northwest soul.

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