Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day Thirteen

I don't have any photos for was kind of a bland day, which was completely welcome after 12 days of total madness. I woke up to workmen in the house installing a new fan in my study (yay!), and shortly after I got a new bedroom fan also. They look wonderful (thanks Trent!), hopefully they stay that way and don't fall on me. I also got my bedroom rug today from my Aunt Denise, and it looks and feels so amazing. The bedroom is now complete, and I am happy.

My first gym day was today, and it was success (meaning I actually got my butt out of the house and to the gym). I dressed in workout clothes when I woke up as a constant reminder to myself. And it worked. I quickly learned that the combination of midday and an all women's gym means that every single TV is playing a different soap opera. Wonderful. Thank goodness I brought my iPod. It felt so good to finally get some exercise after all the stress of moving, and I know it'll feel even better when my allergies clear up and I can breathe to the fullest extent.

The allergies have definitely made me more of a cleaning machine though. I vacuum once a day to try and get rid of any dust and wipe down surfaces all the time. I'm pretty sure my roommates don't mind it at all. And Otter always has a good time trying to help, though she usually just nips at my calves the entire time, which I guess helps me move faster. Thank you Otter, but we do not need to keep this ritual every time I clean.

Today also marked another drive to UT, but this time I was the passenger to my landlord (and roommate's dad) as he drove me, Ally, and Otter around downtown Austin. It got dark halfway through the drive, which completely messed up my already shaky sense of direction in downtown. But we drove by the concert hall that we're going to see OneRepublic and Sara Bareilles play in, and it is super nice, I cannot wait to go next month!

It's rumored that tomorrow we'll finally get cable TV installed, but it's gotten to the point where I no longer get my hopes up about anything cable or internet related. WiFi doesn't appear to be in our near future. Lame. But at least the rest of the week is supposed to be below 100 degrees. I'll take my victories where I can.

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