Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day Sixteen

Two really exciting things happened today, and neither of them was in Austin. First off…my brother got engaged! Yay!!! I’m so happy for him, and I couldn’t have asked for a better future sister-in-law. Krystle, I hope you’re prepared to join this crazy Myers family. I can’t wait. Congratulations again to you both! And thank you Jeff, for finally finding me a sister.  J

Second, my friend from George Fox got married today! Man, today was a day so full of love surrounding people that I love. Mary and Craig, I would say I wish you a lifetime of happiness, but I don’t have to since I already know you both have a joyful life ahead of you with each other. I wish so badly that I could have made it to see you both today, it looks like it was a beautiful wedding.

Compared to these two things, my day was extremely uneventful. I went out to lunch with my grandparents at my already-favorite Austin restaurant, Jason’s Deli. Why do I love this place so much? I get to make my own gigantic salad and you get all the mini cornbread muffins you want. It’s like a dream. On the way back to their house, my grandpa saw a yard sale sign and just couldn’t resist it’s pull. The entire house was filled with things for sale, including an entire room devoted to UT things. I’m not even kidding. But according to the owner, someone had come earlier in the day and raided the room of all the really good stuff, which left me with nothing that really caught my eye. The yard sale gods were just not with me today. Next time…

Then Kelly and I went shopping for wedding gifts and organization things (mainly for the bathroom). We came out with two suction-cup shower trays that we stuck to our shower and filled with soap/shampoo. Then two hours later, we listened from the other room as they crashed to the ground. Suction cup fail. Luckily, my mom got back today from Houston and saved the day with a Container Store purchase that works perfectly in our shower. Mom, you rock. Container Store, you also rock (but not as much as mom).

On a final note, I got my UT parking permit today! It’s orange and white and extremely shiny. I love it. Now all I can do is pray it actually gets me a parking spot when I go to school each day. Even though the parking lots are literally across campus (a gigantic campus, I might add) from my building. Those UT shuttle drivers and I are going to best friends by the end of this year.

Three more days until orientation! Can’t wait.

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