Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day Twenty Four

My parents left this afternoon to go back to Washington. Naturally, it was a rough day for all of us. We filled the day with some work around the house, an H.E.B. run, lunch with my roommate and her parents, photo taking, and Project Runway. And some crying on my part, but we don't need to talk about that. In good news, we finally have blinds in our bathroom! Thank you, dad! 

During our trip to H.E.B. we quickly learned (smelled) that the store roasts jalapenos outside. My dad loved the smell, I did not. Here is photographic evidence.

Seriously fragrant jalapenos.

I met yet another one of my parents' friends today shortly before driving to the airport. His name is Guy, and they've been friends with him since high school. I've heard many stories about Guy, so I was definitely looking forward to meeting him in person. Fun fact, Guy is also my roommate's mom's cousin. Small, small world. It's possible he'll become a judge in his home town, which gives me two judge connections close to Austin. Never a bad thing to have.

We took some photos, partly because dad and I wanted photos together wearing our new UT hats. Mom still won't wear one. She'll cave one of these days.

Mom, Dad, you've only been gone a few hours now, and I already miss you both so much. Always know that I love you both and am always thinking about you. And don't worry dad, I know your spirit is still in Welch Hall from your undergrad days. And don't worry Jeff, I still miss you and think about you all the time as well. You'll be in Texas just south of me in a couple months! I cannot wait to have my big bro close by again.

Tomorrow, it's back to UT, where I'll have my first experience riding the shuttle bus and will meet with a potential research advisor. Hopefully it all goes well and I'm not an emotional mess from missing my family.

On a final note, look how big Otter has gotten!

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