Friday, August 16, 2013

Day Fifteen

I went back to the gym today, and was woefully reminded of my complete lack of upper body strength. Nothing makes me prouder than moving the weight pin to the very lowest weight setting…and still having sore arms as a result. Oh well, it’s bound to change eventually as long as I can drag myself out of my house. I’m thinking next week I’ll brave a Zumba class. I know, I know…things are getting crazy in Austin. When I got back from the gym, I met a cute little friend on the tree outside our house. Isn’t he adorable?

It didn’t hit the 90s until early afternoon today! Miracle! It was so, so humid though as a result of the rain last night. Will I ever get used to this weather? Things aren’t looking promising. But in good news, my allergies are finally improving! Pharmacy Bob, I give all the credit to you. Kelly and I made a Costco run today, and all we bought was toilet paper. This is a first for me, as I usually have no self-control when it comes to Costco. We made two guys really happy looking for checkout lines though, as I heard an excited voice say, “Those girls only have one item! Go in that line!!!” You’re welcome, random Costco guys. You’re welcome.

We’re working on training Otter not to bark. Yesterday we tried a bark collar, and got a malfunctioning collar so that clearly didn’t work. Desperate times call for desperate measures though, and since the Petco guy recommended that my roommate try a vinegar/water spray, Otter (and our living room) have a tendency to sometimes smell like vinegar now. Maybe it’ll help us keep the bugs out as well? Hope springs eternal.

Tomorrow we’re rumored to be having floorboards installed. And there will possibly be another drive to UT. And lunch with the grandparents. It will be a day of pure adrenaline, I’ll keep you all posted.

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