Monday, August 5, 2013

Day Four

Finally, a day without painting. But still more shopping. It's like the second I finish my shopping list, I go home and realize I need about 800 more things. My goodness. Today consisted of JCPenney and Target. We focused on pillows and towels at JCPenney, and a very peppy saleswoman named Becky helped us. She even gave me a welcome-to-Austin picture frame for free. Yes! But at the checkout, my mom and I were reminded that you get no shopping bags in Austin...and we had to walk out of the store lugging towels and pillows and basically felt like we were shoplifting. I did my best to hold my receipt in plain view so no suspicious employees would come sprinting after us. 

At Target, we literally filled the entire cart (including the little flat section on the bottom), which I have never done before. Oh my gosh. We kept trying to just get to the checkout and leave, but then always remembered one more thing that needed to be grabbed. But I'm now equipped to do laundry, have blackout curtains to block out the beating Austin sun from my rooms, and shower. Definitely a worthwhile trip.

Even though the floor of my study still isn't installed (ugh!), I was able to begin unpacking boxes in my bedroom, and it felt so good to start seeing some of my own things. I learned that I packed about 10x too many clothes hangers (oops) and had to find an out of the way place for my jeans that I won't wear until it cools down outside, which at this rate may be never. I keep getting told that winter is much cooler, and when I asked what 'cooler' means they say mid-70s. Really? That's cool weather to you? Oh Texas, you are so mistaken. Thursday is supposed to be 106 degrees. Awful.

Tonight was roommate/family dinner night at my landlord's house (whose daughter is one of my roommates). We had delicious fajitas and homemade lemon pound cake. SO good. It was smart of them to butter us up with food before having us sign our leases and write our first rent checks. Well played, Robert and Tracy. Well played. Then, a bunch of deer showed up in the backyard to snack on watermelon rinds and drink from a kiddie pool. I counted twelve total, but there may have been more. And now, I'm sitting in the guest room at my grandparent's house slowly falling asleep on my computer. Tomorrow - possible UT visit. Yay!

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