Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day Twenty Three

I saw so many extended family members today, I almost can't even believe it. But before all of that happened...more painting! The popcorn-texture portion of the kitchen still isn't done, and I learned today that it's completely exhausting to paint and try and fill in all the tiny little nooks and crannies the texturing creates. Stupid popcorn walls. Who ever thought that popcorn textured anything was a good idea? It's just one giant dust trap. I got about 1/3 of one of the sides painted (the sections I'm talking about are up near the ceiling) before my arms went numb from being raised above my head for so long. It's a work in progress.

Then I saw my Aunt Carole and Uncle Tommy after lunch, where we made yet another trip to the Co-Op. This one proved rather unsuccessful, as none of us even considered the fact that the weekend before fall classes started would be a total mad house. We got stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic about 3 blocks away from the Co-Op and quickly realized our awful mistake. Then dad almost ran over a policeman. When the policeman (who was very friendly, despite almost being hit by a van) learned we weren't there to move in, he looked at us like we were crazy for coming to campus and immediately said, "you should get off this road as fast as you can." We ended up at the small extension Co-Op across campus, which is nowhere near the real thing. Sorry Carole and Tommy, we'll find another time to go spend lots of money on UT paraphernalia.

After our failed shopping excursion we had about an hour and a half before dinner at my grandpa's house. We made a quick stop by my other grandparents' house, then went over to have dinner with my grandpa, Aunt Gretchen, and Aunt Mary. The food was delicious as always (thank you Mary!), and the company was also pretty great. It's nice to live close to so much family that I usually didn't see very often before moving here to Texas. Final extended-relative tally for the day - seven. Not bad at all.

Tomorrow, my parents fly back to Washington. It's going to be a rough day. I don't like it. Much chocolate will be needed to get through the next few days, and I don't even feel guilty about it (thank goodness I joined a gym).

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