Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day Three

It was another exhausting day, except instead of painting and shopping (like yesterday), it was painting and shopping and assembling/moving furniture and boxes. The movers arrived today with all of my things from Washington, and it was total chaos with three girls moving things into a house all at once. Oh, and there were two men putting in wood floors in a couple rooms at the same time. Thank goodness for the main flooring guy, Jose, though. He saw me trying to paint with a frazzled and frayed paint brush and gave me his fancy one to use. Then he saw me trying to balance a bookshelf door on my foot while screwing it into the shelf and showed up with his electric drill saying, "Please, let me help you." He was THE BEST, even though he probably thinks I'm completely inept at life now.

My final bedroom color is a light slate blue, and I absolutely love it. I was able to move all of my big furniture into the room, and it feels completely cozy and relaxing, which is a relief since the space is pretty small. Since the floor in my study isn't ready yet, that room still has yet to be furnished, though all the furniture is ready and waiting. During the final shopping run tonight, we made a stop by Home Depot where the cashier looked at me and said, "I don't know what it is about you, but you just seem like you're really smart." Um, thank you? I certainly hope that's the case.

Bedroom shot number one.

The closet is behind me in the first photo, but it's full of unopened boxes, and no one needs to see that.

Bedroom shot number two.

Today I had to say goodbye to Dad as he flew back to Washington. Even though he's coming back in two and a half weeks, it was so hard to see him go. I hated watching him drive away to the airport and not go with him. Dad, I love you, you better come visit me lots. I'll do my best to do the same. Mom, thanks for hanging around for a while longer, otherwise I'd be an even bigger mess than I already am.

On a final note - lessons learned in Texas so far:

1. Doves cooing are way more soothing to listen to than crows and seagulls squawking (cough cough, Washington). But then the cicadas show up and ruin everything.

2. All fountain drinks come in insulated cups. This makes sense considering the heat, but I still get surprised by it.

3. You won't get plastic bags to hold your things when you shop. Anywhere. The mall, the grocery store, it doesn't matter. Austin doesn't want them, no matter how annoying and inconvenient it is.

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