Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day Ten

Guess what? It rained today!!! Granted it was only for about 20 minutes, but I love the sound of rain so much that it didn't even matter that it only lasted a short time. And there wasn't even thunder and lightning (which almost always accompanies rain here), though there are thunderstorms forecasted for tonight. Good thing I sleep like the dead.

RAIN! And a lovely view of our backyard.

I went to church service this morning, and couldn't walk 3 feet without someone popping up in front of me saying "Are you the Payne's granddaughter?!" Why yes, as a matter of fact I am. It was shocking how fast they singled me out, even when I was walking by myself in the foyer. Then, something really weird happened. My mom introduced me to a guy she had just met, Scott, who happens to be a grad student in analytical chemistry at UT. And just happens to be in the lab group that I've joined. It was the craziest thing, meeting a fellow group member at a church 30 minutes away from campus. He's a 5th year (which is usually the final year), so I told him he has to tell me all his secrets. Hopefully he has some useful ones! I'll take any advice I can get at this point.

Next was lunch with my mom and her friend from high school, Patti Brookshire (who has deemed herself my Dallas mom). I told her about my horrible allergies, and she literally whipped some Sudafed right out of her purse. Patti, I love you, and not just because you gave me allergy medicine. We ate at El Arroyo, and while I can't have mexican food, I did have some delicious flour tortillas. I probably looked completely pathetic snacking on tortillas while everyone else had giant meals, but who's not like I knew anyone there.  :)

And finally...more allergy help! Instead of going to a walk-in clinic I talked with the pharmacist at the local grocery store, and he gave me some behind the counter decongestant that is currently working wonders. Bob the pharmacist, you are my new best friend. I was finally able to have a relaxing evening now that my head doesn't feel like it's stuffed with cotton. I played with the house puppy (who is actually Ally Wright's puppy), Otter, and watched some Criminal Minds. What could be better? Hopefully tomorrow will bring the cable and internet guys, and we can finally get our house wired up. 

Otter likes to get really close to your face.

And help her mom with lesson planning.

And she always wants to play. And pee. Oh, the life of a

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