Friday, August 30, 2013

Day Twenty Nine

Guess what? My car still isn't registered. Ugh. The County Tax Assessor's office is rapidly becoming the bane of my existence. Hopefully third time is the charm. If it isn't, I may start screaming. Besides that, the day as a whole was pretty uneventful. I drove up to campus around 10:15am (I don't mind this whole sleeping-in thing so far) and had a shuttle ride all to myself to the center of campus. Which was weird. The shuttle drivers are always really nice, but I can't help but think about how boring their job must be. Just drive in the same circle over and over and over again. I'm not sure how they stand it, but I sure am thankful they're there. I wish they were there tomorrow for game day, because it's looking like parking is going to be a total monster. Wish me luck! I'm going early for tailgating, so hopefully that helps me find a spot semi-close by? Probably not, but it's always good to have goals.

I'm super excited for game day tomorrow. I've never been to a football game of this intensity, so it'll be an experience now matter how UT plays (but let's hope they play well). I'm not thrilled with the weather situation (high of 100 degrees! Nooo!), but luckily my seats are toward the end of an aisle which will make the refilling of water bottles much easier (less people to climb over and shove out of the way). They're also relatively far back in the lower deck, which means there's a possibility that I'll be shaded by the upper deck. This would be the best thing ever. Hope springs eternal.

I got my roommate hooked on Rizzoli and Isles tonight. Yes! Someone to watch marathons with! I also discovered that the second season of Grimm is now streaming for free on Amazon Prime. Hello, weekend activity when it's too hot outside to do anything else (which is all the time). In other good news, Otter has her first puppy training session tomorrow! She's a (lovable) handful at the moment, but we're all hoping to get the whole biting/barking/peeing in the house thing under control. That would be wonderful.

I keep staring at this Football Parking and Transportation Map hoping a miracle lot appears right next to the stadium for me to park in. They reserved all the good lots for "Longhorn Foundation Parking," whatever that means. They get probably 25 lots, and students get a grand total of 5. And 5 extremely small lots at that. Everywhere else we have to pay $20 to park, and this penny-pinching grad student is having none of that. Not cool UT, not cool. It's pretty funny how everything in this city revolves around these football games though. Every professor I've had has mentioned scheduling Saturday exams and review dates around home football games, and apologized profusely if they ever overlapped . If there's anything I'm constantly reminded of here, it's that Texas is a whole different world than Washington.

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