Monday, August 12, 2013

Day Eleven

Thanks to pharmacy-Bob, I could both breathe today AND think straight. And it was the first day of under 100 degree weather. I never thought I'd be so happy to see a weather forecast say "high - 98 degrees." This morning was my first semi-normal morning in Austin. It was nice to have a relaxing morning without appliance repairmen or handymen stomping all over the house and not having to move or rush out and buy anything.

A few exciting things happened today. First, I joined a gym! It's 10 minutes from my house and cost half as much as the fortress that is Lifetime Fitness. I'll be going to my first yoga class tomorrow evening, which I'm pretty excited about. The owner was showing me around and told me all about their fancy sauna, and all I could think was "who wants to sit in a hot room when the temperature outside feels like 174 degrees?" People in Texas are crazy. Then I came home and met my roommates cousin, who came to fix a leaky pipe. Well, the leaky pipe turned into rotted sheet rock and the discovery of an old termite mound. And now we have a gigantic hole in our kitchen. Nothing says "welcome home" like exposed pipe and termite dust.

Beautiful, isn't it?

My neighborhood was also the site of a South Austin manhunt today, complete with a bunch of cop cars and police helicopter. Apparently they had just identified a man who killed a motorcyclist in a hit and run this past Saturday, and apparently that man lives around our street. I'm not sure how it ended, but rest assured our doors are doubly locked, and our puppy barks quite loudly. 

Tomorrow is my second dry run to campus, and it's happening at 8:30 in the morning. Cross your fingers that traffic won't be horrendous!

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