Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day Six

Today was an exhausting, awesome day. I finally got everything moved into my study! It looks so amazing. How is it possible that a room looks bigger when furniture gets moved into it, as opposed to empty? It defies the laws of physics, but I'm thankful for it. Every box is unpacked, and all that's left is to de-clutter by finding a place for everything. My mom and I did have an epic battle with the area rug though. Did you know that rug pads stick really well to wood floors? And that when you try to shift a rug a foot or two, all havoc breaks loose? We had to fold and refold and position and reposition the rug and rug pad for what felt like 800 times. And it's even better knowing that I get to do the same thing all over again in a week when the rug for my bedroom comes in. What a dream.

We found out that we'll get both internet and cable at the house by this Saturday. Yay! No more borrowing other people's wifi! All three of us are sick and tired of having to use our phones for internet at the house. Smart phones are great, but they can only do so much.

Today was my first trip to the grocery store. Safeway, I miss you. I have no idea where anything is at H.E.B., and just awkwardly troll around the aisles. I'm pretty sure I went back and forth through the entire store three times. And I still forgot to pick up nail clippers. Curses! BUT, I was able to get all of my food and bathroom things for $90, which was the best surprise ever. All of my food for under $100? And gas is only $3.34 a gallon? Austin, I love you for this, but it still doesn't make up for the stupid hot weather. Today's high was 104 degrees. I have no words.

Tomorrow...I go to campus! What better day to go to UT than the hottest day of the week (105 degrees)? We may not have planned that overly well. I need to go buy my parking permit (which is another $180 out of my bank account) and talk to the chemistry grad office about finances (which will hopefully start funneling money back into my bank account).

To end this post, I'll show you my study. Because I love it.

Desk. It's kind of cluttered right now, but it was a total monster to get
in to the room. Without Bob Avant and the dolly, this beast would still
be sitting in the garage.

I am obsessed with this trunk. All my board games are in it, and it's just
gorgeous in general. Also, Bevo is hanging out. And check out my awesome
metal space needle (available at the Olympia Farmer's Market)/

Bookshelf, with my trusty skeleton pig keeping watch.

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