Monday, August 26, 2013

Day Twenty Five

It's looking like it's getting stormy outside, and considering our power just went out for a couple minutes at random, I figured I should update my blog before everything goes out for good. I'm still not used to Texas storms...and we haven't even had a big one yet. Oh dear.

I parked out in the boonies of campus today, as those are the only lots that my permit allows me to park in. Awesome. Luckily I figured out which bus I needed to get on last night or I would have been a total goner when I got to campus. I think I've ridden a city bus all of once or twice in my life so I had no clue what I was doing. I knew my student ID got me free bus fare but wasn't sure how, so I just held it out toward the driver and said, "Hi, I have no idea what to do with this." She gave me quite the look before snatching the ID out of my hand and swiping it through some reader by the door. Then she slammed on the gas before I was able to sit down so I literally flew forward to my chair. Definitely not the most graceful experience for my first Metro ride. But, I made it to the stop I wanted 7 minutes later (thank God).

I had a meeting with a potential research advisor today, and it went really well. He got pretty excited when he found out I had experience working with algae from my undergrad days, which I wasn't expecting. I'll never get away from it, algae will follow me for the rest of my life. I also met another professor in the hallway before the first meeting who invited me to come talk with him about his research sometime as well. The possibilities are endless! I'll elaborate on things once I choose a research advisor and officially join a group - I don't want to jinx anything!

Then I had two and a half hours of free time before an insurance benefits seminar, so I made yet another trip to the Co-Op. I don't even want to know how many times I've been there in the last 3 weeks. I'm probably either close or into the double digits. But this time actually had a purpose, as I had to buy a textbook for the Physical Organic class I'm taking this fall. I bet every single person reading this blog cringed when they read the worlds "Physical Organic." Don't deny it. I also bought some UT pens for class, because I have very little self control when it comes to school supplies.

The insurance seminar was exactly as you would expect, informative yet boring. I'm so thankful that UT is providing me with medical, dental, and vision insurance for nearly no cost at all - so amazing. After the seminar I meandered around for 30 minutes trying to find an East Campus UT shuttle stop to take me back to my car. It was a failed venture. Why is this campus so GIGANTIC? Back to the Metro bus I went, and I was very proud of myself when I got on the bus and slid my card through the reader like a pro

The power just went out again. Time to finish the post before it's all lost for the night. Tomorrow will be another attempt at UT shuttle navigation. Wish me luck!

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