Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Car is Moving to Texas Before Me

Today marked the first movement of my things to Texas. My Honda Fit (affectionately called The Blueberry) began it's journey today, and I was sad to see it go. Partly because it means I'm stranded for a week and a half at home now. Tomorrow, all of the rest of my things go! At 8am no less, as if losing everything for two weeks wasn't already bad enough.

The Fit beginning it's long journey to Austin. Hopefully it doesn't mind the

So, to make myself feel better, I went to one of my favorite places in Olympia (Tumwater Falls) with my good friend, Abbie. It felt hot out at 84 degrees, so I already know I'm in for a rude awakening when August 2nd rolls around.

Tumwater Falls

The totem pole looked like it was missing something. I'm thinking they should make a carving of me into the pole to commemorate my time in Olympia. It would fit right in.

I am the totem pole.

On a final note, how gorgeous is Olympia? I took this a couple days ago from the ferris wheel at Lakefair. Feast your eyes on Capitol lake with the capitol building in the background.

Capitol Lake

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