Thursday, May 14, 2015

Day Six Hundred Fifty One

Everyone....I got a B- in my Cell Biology class and an A in my Optics class. Do you know what this means? This means I'm officially done with graduate coursework! I NEVER have to ever take a class again!!! It hasn't sunk in quite yet, but I'm seriously pleased with myself.

Also, it was my brothers birthday 2 days ago, so happy belated blog-post birthday to you Jeff! You're one of my favorite people to ever exist, and I'm so very lucky to have you as a brother. You're lucky my phone won't let me post photos on the blog, or I'd find a gem of a childhood photo to put on it.

Now, back to seminar prep. Next Tuesday is the day I battle doctoral candidacy head that's not stressful at all. Thank goodness its almost the weekend.

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