Monday, May 11, 2015

Day Six Hundred Forty Seven

I turned 25 today! Wait.....what? I'm already 25? Weird.

Regardless, it was a pretty fantastic day today, and I have a feeling 25 is going to be a great year. I went to work (because it's still a Monday and I'm an adult and have to go to work), met some sweet friends for lunch, then went to see the new Avengers movie this evening with another friend. And Austin even gave me some rain! Like I said, it was a fantastic day.

On an unrelated side note - I'll never understand why some people carry umbrellas during a thunderstorm. Come on,'re smarter than that. When there's lightning, maybe don't walk around with a big metal stick. While it wasn't a good life choice for those of you choosing to become human lightning rods, you all gave me a good birthday laugh, and I appreciate that.

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