Monday, May 25, 2015

Day Six Hundred Sixty One

You guys, it rained today. It rained hard. And thunder-ed and lightning-ed and tornado-ed. At one point, downtown Austin was under 4 feet of water. Thankfully, my little slice of Austin wasn't flooded, though we still had some intense weather. People all around me are definitely in need of prayers and any help they can get, though, so if anyone reading this is in the mood to give to charities -- might I suggest looking up Austin Salvation Army?

During the brief break from days and days of rain yesterday, my friend and I took in a Round Rock Express baseball game, the AAA affiliate for the Texas Rangers. They played the Albuquerque Isotopes, and since I'm a chemist, I clearly had to root for the Isotopes. So naturally, the Isotopes lost (I still took photos, which I'll post tomorrow). But in better baseball news, UT baseball won the Big 12 championship yesterday! That means they get an automatic bid in the NCAA tournament, and I couldn't be happier. And since I can't go root on my Longhorns in the tournament, I'll just throw myself into Round Rock Express baseball! Don't worry, I already got myself a hat for the team. And don't worry, the hat was on sale.

Tomorrow, it's back to the grind. Research. It never ends. Hopefully things don't start pouring again, which would basically trap me on campus. But then again, I don't think any kind of storm could take down Welch Hall, so maybe that's the best place to be.

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