Saturday, December 12, 2015

Day Eight Hundred Fifty Three

I went golfing today! The professor I TAed for this last semester invited me to join him for a round of golf at a nice golf club he's a member at, and I decided to take him up on it (even though it's been two solid years since I've played a proper 9 holes of golf). The tee time was 9:15am, and while I'm happy he's not one of those "we must start our round at the crack of dawn" players, I still had to get up at 7am to be ready and on the road by 8am just to get there on time. For the record, it was totally worth it, but man was it a trek to get there.

I'm very proud to say that I managed to hold my own against the retirees! I shot a 52 on 9 holes, and that score would have been even better if I hadn't hit my ball in to water hazards twice. Not to shabby for the first time back on a golf course after an extended hiatus. But now I've got the golf bug again......and I have a feeling my clubs and I will be having much bonding time in the near future.

When I got home I napped for an hour and a half. It was glorious. And I'm already ready to go back to bed again. I've forgotten just how exhausted a round of golf can make you.

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