Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day Eight Hundred Forty Nine

Please attribute my lack of blog posts for almost two whole weeks to the end of the semester and upcoming holidays. Things get crazy this time of year, with grading and proctoring and now, tutoring. It's amazing how many tutoring requests one gets starting two weeks before finals. I've had one student I've been working with for about two months now, and in the course of two days over Thanksgiving break that number grew to four students who asked for tutoring until finals are over. Don't get me wrong, I honestly enjoy tutoring and genuinely like all four students I'm working with - but man does it take a lot of time (on top of my already busy end of semester/holidays schedule). Hence, I've chosen sleep over blog for twelve days straight. But I promise to be better!

Thankfully the class I'm TAing is over, and after a marathon 8-hour grading session yesterday, all papers are graded and grades are entered. While I'll still be going to work up until the 23rd, it's a very nice feeling knowing that I won't have a stack of exams to grade greeting me during that time. The professor I TAed for is one of my favorite people at UT though, so I'm sad I won't be seeing him twice a week anymore. Good thing I'm going golfing with him on Saturday. Yeah! Considering I haven't even swung my golf clubs in a year, this round of golf could get interesting. And by interesting, I mean mortifyingly bad.

I was so tired today after spending all day grading yesterday that I apparently wasn't looking as alert as I should have been sitting at my desk. How do I know this? My boss threw a mini-Snickers bar at my face and told me to wake up. It's hard to be annoyed at that when the end result is me getting chocolate. I'm just glad it wasn't a full size candy bar, because that may have actually hurt.

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