Thursday, November 26, 2015

Day Eight Hundred Thirty Seven

10 days with no blog post?! Madness. Just madness. Things have gotten progressively busier as the holidays have crept up and the semester has started coming to a close. Exam grading and gift buying and......massages? I had a horrible knot in my upper back that I first noticed a week ago, so I decided to schedule a 15 minute chair massage. Because those are supposed to be relaxing and peaceful and soothing, right? Um, no. Not even close. What happened was a 15 minute deep tissue massage during which I learned that I had way more knots in my upper back and neck than I realized, and attempting to get rid of them resulted in tremendous pain. Some of them surrendered, others have remained stubborn and are still present. So because that first massage was so pleasant, I scheduled another chair massage for next week. Because this has now become a personal battle of me (and the massage therapist) versus the monster muscle knot. I will keep you all apprised of who comes out victorious. At this point it feels like it could go either way.

But for now, Happy Thanksgiving from Virginia! I left Austin bright and early this morning in order to make it to Richmond in time for some turkey, and am very very happy to have a break from all things grad school. The second leg of my trip today took place on what could only be described as a toy plane. One seat on one side of the aisle, two seats on the other, and a ceiling so low that if I had been even an inch taller I would have had to hunch over to make it to my seat. So that was an interesting 3 hours. But the flight was relatively smooth and I made it to my destination unscathed, so I can't complain too much.

Time to go rest up for some shopping tomorrow! Bring it on, Target. Bring it on.

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