Thursday, May 19, 2016

Day One Thousand Eight

In Texas, with hot summer weather comes insane tropical storms like the one that woke me up at 6 this morning and lasted until 1 in the afternoon. Thankfully I have a job that allows me to work at home when the weather and roads seem particularly vicious.

Finals have officially passed at UT, meaning my TAing responsibilities for the spring have come to an end. No more grading of 122 exams! Atleast not until the fall. Campus is already so much calmer. My first year of grad school, I hated having to work during the summer. Now, it's my favorite time to be in lab. Funny how things change. While the semester at UT has ended, my high school tutoring kids are still going strong in their school year, meaning weekend tutoring sessions press on. One of these days I'll have a full weekend to myself. One of these days...

Until then, I'll continue having my Pirates of the Caribbean marathon and enjoy the small piece of weekend that will come my way after tomorrow.

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