Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Ninety Nine

You know it was a hot day when you walk inside your apartment and think, "man, it's so nice and cool in here!" ....then you look at the thermostat and it informs you that it's 78 degrees in the apartment. For those who aren't aware, we climbed into the 90s today here in Austin, with 300% humidity, and it was a brutal awakening for what's to come in the summer. Be gentle with me, Texas. Be gentle.

I have quite literally been running ragged the past two weeks tutoring and grading and giving review sessions and office hours for the class I TA for. I go to work, run around meeting students all day, drive home, spend 15 minutes shoveling food in my face for dinner, then go back to my car to meet high school kids for tutoring. It's been an exhausting process, but also an enjoyable one, as I genuinely do like helping people understand chemistry. Only one more week of undergrads and three more weeks of high school tutoring and we can all relax for the summer. Them more so than me, but whatever.

Tomorrow I will have been in Austin for 1000 days. Quadruple digits. Tomorrow I also turn 26. The older I get, the more I understand when people used to tell me how life seems to fly by as you get older. Tomorrow is a day of milestones. I'll celebrate it by sleeping in (slightly), then going to work. Because unfortunately my birthday has not been deemed a national holiday. Yet.

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