Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Eighty Seven

I'm writing this on my charged laptop! So without further ado, some photos from the past few weeks. 

First up, the San Antonio Zoo! My friend Mindy had never been, and I figured the combination of Mindy's love of birds and the San Antonio Zoo basically being half birds was a winning pair. Sure enough, I was right. And considering I also love birds, I didn't hate it either. They took away their penguin exhibit though, and that made me sad.

My selfie with a lorry.

Mindy was somehow a bird whisperer, and both lorries she fed
immediately jumped on her shoulder and just hung out there for
a few minutes.

Next up, this cursed, dysfunctional laser that has stalled all research progress the past couple months. We finally had to give in and take the cover off the entire thing to fiddle with the mirrors inside. See that green laser? That laser is so powerful it vaporizes air, and will slice through both a sheet of paper and your hand if it gets in the way. So I volunteered to fold the lens paper while my boss sacrificed his hands for the cause. While we all came out unscathed, the laser is still broken. Awesome.

The laser also has the exciting trait of causing instant blindness if
it reflects off something and in to your eyes. So this is what I looked
like for the duration of the attempted fix. The dark goggles block out
red laser light, the orange block green laser light. Together, they
maintain my ability to see things.

Last up, my office hour activity last week. No one showed up, so I drew Chem Bevo and hung him up in the room where a bunch of TAs hold their office hours. I checked today, he's still there. I'm a bit proud. If you can think of any catchy slogans for him, let me know.

This week thus far has been more fiddling with the laser and more office hours, as final exams loom over all the undergrads. Oh, and book club, where we talked about the behemoth of a book that is The Goldfinch. It wasn't my favorite, but I'm still happy I read it.

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