Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Sixty Seven

I recently hit the one year anniversary of living in my current apartment, and decided to celebrate by buying myself new dishes and a new shower liner. It's times like this that I realize just how much of a grown-up I've become. Yay? I also learned to smell a shower liner before you buy it, as I put my new one up, and in the course of 30 minutes took it back down and made a beeline for the dumpster before going to Target and buying another one. I may be a chemist, but that doesn't mean I want my apartment smelling like horrific chemicals. Crisis averted courtesy of Target being the best store to ever exist.

Besides the bad shower liner, it's been an odd/tragic week. Yesterday morning on UT's campus, it was discovered that a homicide had taken place overnight, with the victim being a female student. I've spent my week walking to and from work within 100 feet of an active crime scene, observing an extremely large number of law enforcement officers and news crews milling around the area constantly working. It's been surreal, scary, and completely heartbreaking. And I assure you all that I'm being as safe as humanly possible when working and moving around on campus, especially in light of certain events. So everyone say a prayer for the UT family, for students and staff to stay safe, and especially for the family of the victim.

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