Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Eighty One

Remember how in my last post I said life felt a bit like a tornado? It hasn't changed yet, and it's continually exhausting. Things are very tense in lab, and an immediate resolution does not appear to be on the horizon, so spending 8+ hours of my day in that environment has got all my nerves frayed. I won't go in to what's happening, because I'll just get worked up (trust me), but it's an unpleasant situation at the moment.

Outside of lab, finals week is creeping closer and closer, and while I don't have any finals of my own to worry about (thank goodness), the students in the class I TA for as well as the students I'm tutoring are starting to feel the pressure. This means that extra office hours, review sessions, and tutoring sessions are all forthcoming. It takes up a chunk of free time, but the money made from tutoring makes the idea of paying for moving expenses a little more bearable. And for that I am thankful. Let's just hope I can calm these students down enough that they don't go in to panic mode when their exams and finals are dropped down in front of them.

On a final note, the weather has been absolute madness recently. Horribly stormy on Sunday (think flooding and emergency rescues - thankfully not in my area of town), then lingering storms all throughout the week that follow no rhyme or reason. Today was all thunder and lightning this morning, hot and muggy this afternoon, and then absolute perfect weather in the evening. I have no words.

PS - I haven't forgotten about posting photos. I'll get to that on the next post, when my laptop is fully charged again.

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