Thursday, April 14, 2016

Day Nine Hundred Seventy Five

Last week was an absolute whirlwind of emotion and tension after a freshman girl was murdered on campus. For those who aren't aware, they were able to catch the guy (or should I say kid... 17 year old boy) who did it just 2 days after the body was found. Which is impressive, and we're all thankful for it. May Haruka Weiser rest in peace, and may everyone keep her family in their prayers. Yesterday was the first day where no news crews were on campus, which makes things feel a little more back to normal. There are still police cars everywhere, but I'm completely fine with that not changing for a while.

This week has been a completely different kind of whirlwind, with broken equipment in lab and suddenly realizing I'm going to have to move come June. $220 increase in rent (24% rise) after one year?! No thanks. I'm more than happy to leave. Thankfully today I was able to lock down an apartment for when my current lease ends, so cheers to not having to go a week or two with no place to live!

It's been one of those times of life where you feel like you're trapped in a tornado. If you all could pray for things to calm down (even just a bit), I'd very much appreciate it. There has been a highlight in recent days though during a trip to the San Antonio Zoo last weekend. Photos to follow in a post soon, since I'm writing this on my phone, and the blog phone app hates uploading photos.

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