Friday, October 23, 2015

Day Eight Hundred Three

You guys......a storm's a coming. Not in a poetic way, an actual bad storm with potentially severe flooding. So guess who's going to hermit in her apartment all weekend? Me! And guess who stocked up on tea in order to stay all warm and cozy this weekend? Me! I do love the rain, so as long as people don't lose their houses or their lives due to flooding, I'm just going to enjoy it.

This past week was full of it's usual busy-ness. And here I thought life would be calmer once I was done with classes. Instead it was just filled in with other things, but at least it's less stressful since I don't have to worry about my GPA anymore. I'll take it. And I had an experiment work again! So awesome. I may actually get this PhD eventually.

The highlight of this weekend was when I tutored a freshman in chemistry for the first time and she told me about an app named Venmo, which "people in her generation" use. People. In. Her. Generation. Whaaaaat? I couldn't even react, because I was just so confused. So we moved on and talked about intermolecular forces.

Here's to the start of a rainy, stormy weekend! And the Seahawks winning last night!

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