Saturday, October 17, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Ninety Seven

After being sick last weekend and a portion of the week before, my past week has been spent playing catch-up on...well, everything. Work and household chores and grocery shopping and doctors appointments all got crammed in somewhere Monday through Friday, and this blog ended up falling to the wayside. Let's see if this upcoming week can be a bit calmer. That'd be nice.

Up until Friday night, my week was pretty mundane. Alarmingly busy, but with mostly boring things. I cleaned Moriarty's fish tank (he hated it), got new windshield wipers for my car (I can see again!), and did all my laundry (clean clothes are the best). The list goes on, but I'll spare you the rest of it and jump right to Friday (last) night. 

I saw one of my favorite singers in concert, Jon McLaughlin, and got to attend a special VIP event before the show which was amazing. I'm still not quite over it. The VIP event involved a meet-and-great, photo-op, and acoustic mini-concert. I've never stood two feet away from one of my favorite singers as he performs before, but now I have, and it was incredible. Then I had the enjoyable experience of waiting an hour and a half until the actual show started, and since I was flying solo that night, I sat at a table by myself while my awesome brother kept me company via text. And I also had the soothing sounds of Seether in the background the entire time, as they were playing live in the amphitheater attached to the indoor venue I was in. I can tell you that Seether is very loud and uses excessive amounts of strobe lights.

Jon McLaughlin, as always, was amazing. The night was wonderful, and I even tried out Lyft for the very first time to get to the concert venue! I got a female driver, to my great relief. After the concert, the Avants showed once again why they're some of my favorite people and graciously came and picked me up. Thank you, Bob and Louise! You're the absolute best.

Today I made a trip to Barnes and Noble to spend time with a friend of mine named Gail, and we perused all that the book shelves had to offer. Which means I came out with a few things, because I love books. I branched out in to a couple new genres (for me, at least), so wish me luck! Tomorrow is grocery store day while wearing my Russell Wilson jersey. Because SEAHAWKS!

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