Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day Four Hundred Eighteen

The first half of my qualifying exams was this past Monday, and it was four hours of stress and tough questions. And we all get to do it all again in 12 days. So...that's really all that needs to be said about that for right now. Tomorrow begins the next phase of intense studying to prepare for 3 more tests on 3 new subjects.

A few interesting things have happened since the last blog post, such as a giant thunder and lightning storm that was happening off and on for 3 days. Our apartment complex happened to be in the line of fire for all of the strongest storm cells, and we got 8 inches of rain in 2 days (5.5 inches of which happened over the course of about 6 hours). It was madness. turned our pool green! I'll post a photo of it tomorrow, because it is a sight to see. I just stood at my window and stared at it for a few minutes to make sure my exhausted brain wasn't playing tricks on me. Turns out, lots of lightning and just the right pH can trigger a pool algal bloom over night. Needless to say, the pool was closed for about a week. It just reopened yesterday, but I think I'll give it a week or two to really let that chlorine do its job before going in. I showed a photo of it to basically everyone I knew at UT, and one guy looked at me and said "did you get a sample?!" He was completely serious. Welcome to grad school, everyone.

I also had my first laser hair removal session yesterday (thank you Groupon and Elements Laser Spa). We don't need to go into the details of that, but part of the paperwork I filled out was this quasi-genetic thing to figure out your skin type, asking for hair color, skin color, tendency to burn, and.....eye color. Normally this isn't too big of a deal, but each eye color had a different score attached to it. Um, what? I had to start averaging numbers and going, "well, the majority is this color, but there's also that color, so does that score become a 2, 3, or 4?" It was way more difficult then it should have been. I'm sure the lady behind the counter was looking at me thinking, "this girl is in grad school? She doesn't even know what color her eyes are." Heterochromia can be a tricky little thing.

I apologize for the extended hiatus that preceded this post. If you ask me what I was doing the past 8 days, the answer will undoubtedly be either studying, napping, or eating. My upcoming 12 days will likely look remarkably similar, but I promise there will be more frequent posting. Goodnight!

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