Monday, September 8, 2014

Day Four Hundred Two

For those of you keeping track and thinking, "wow, Allison hasn't had car trouble in a while!"... Today remedied that. I waltzed out to my garage at 6:50 this morning, attempted to turn on my car, and it grumbled at me and died. Nothing says happy Monday like a 7am call to AAA. Thankfully it was only my battery, and I was able to get it jumped in time to get to campus for a 9am meeting. Thank you AAA for coming in clutch this morning, and thank you Christian Brothers Automotive for squeezing my car in without an appointment this afternoon to replace my battery. You're both wonderful, but I hope I don't have to see either of you again anytime soon for the sake of my car and my bank account.

As if the morning hadn't been ridiculous enough, I went over to grab a snack after my meeting and realized I had left my lunch in my car, which was parked in a lot over a mile away. This was my day.

If nothing else, this day made me realize that since moving to Texas I've gotten much better at handling unexpected situations and not dwelling on potentially stressful things. I'm certainly thankful for that.

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