Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day Four Hundred One

I haven't posted on here since Tuesday. And it's because every evening since then has been so busy and exhausting that by the time it gets close to bedtime, I have a one track mind that does not include my blog.

Wednesday was concert day! Jon McLaughlin was playing a show at Stubb's BBQ, and it was impossible for me not to go. Have any of you listened to Jon McLaughlin? He's amazing, and even more so live. I've seen him twice now in the two most different venues on the face of the planet. In Seattle I saw him a Triple Door, where you reserved seats at tables, dressed nice, and were catered by a wait staff the entire night. In Austin...Stubb's BBQ. I don't think I even need to describe that this place was a lot less swanky, much smaller, and had no seating whatsoever. Regardless, they both had Jon McLaughlin, and that's all I need to convince me to go just about anywhere.

Thursday night was all about the Seahawks. Who absolutely dominated their game! It was wonderful. A little less wonderful - having to leave 30 minutes into the game to pick up my laptop from the Apple store. I dropped it off to get a new battery at 3pm, thinking it would be a quick fix. 4 hours later I finally lost my patience and called to ask if I would get it back that day, and was told it'd be done within the hour. Seriously, Apple? It takes you 5 hours to replace a laptop battery? I huffed in there wearing my Seahawks jersey and an expression that I hoped said "Make this quick, I have a game to get back to." Luckily the employee helping me also happened to be from Washington and understood my growing need to leave the store and find a TV. A couple mall kiosk people tried to stop me as I was speed-walking out to my car and I was able to dodge them while saying "I can't I have to get back to the game!" Mall people, do not get in my way when I'm trying to root for my Hawks.

Friday...Dad came into town! Then Saturday we had an all day birthday extravaganza for him. Lunch with friends, a visit to his dad, a trip to the Co-Op, meeting and getting photos with Longhorn and NFL football legend Earl Campbell, tailgate with more friends, then to top it all off, a wildly disappointing UT football game. Happy birthday, dad! Sorry the football team was such a massive failure, I'll smack them all on campus tomorrow.

Hanging out with Earl.

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