Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day Four Hundred Five

I started going to the gym again this past Wednesday. You guys...the elliptical is exhausting. I had big plans to start going every day, but yesterday I was still so tired from my Wednesday workout that I took a nap instead. So...every other day it is! Baby steps.

Yesterday I treated the blueberry to a car wash. It is so shiny right now. The car wash attendant asked if my eyes were real or contacts (haven't heard that one in a while - though I'm still fairly positive that they don't make half and half contact lenses) then complimented me on how pretty my eyes were. In a nice way, not a creepy way. It's been a while since someone has commented on my funky eye color, it's nice to know some people still think they're cool.

In today's odd occurrence, I found a guy's rent check on the UT shuttle ride into campus. In a very roundabout process involving calling his parents (whose number was on the check), then getting a phone call from him, then getting a text from his roommate to meet up on campus, the check found its way back to where it belonged. David, you're welcome for not being evicted this month. Don't give your rent check to your roommate ever again. Ever.

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