Friday, September 26, 2014

Day Four Hundred Twenty

As promised, a belated picture post! 

First up - a photo from the Jon McLaughlin concert I went to at the beginning of this month. I finally downloaded photos from it! This is Amanda, Kelly, and I with the opening act - Jon Paulson. He was great, I bought his CD, and I'm excited to see what he comes out with in the future.

Next up - remember that giant storm I told you about? Well, here's what our pool looked like at the beginning of the storm (a few minutes after I took this photo, you could barely see the trees across the pool it was raining so hard). PS - isn't our balcony view awesome?

Aaaaaand, here's what it looked like the next morning. As a scientist, I found it interesting. As a human being, I found it gross. It's back to normal now (or that's what the leasing office tells me)...until the next major storm hits.

As you all know, I've been spending most of my free time these past couple months studying for quals (and unfortunately, I still am...only a week and a half more!). Here's a sneak peek at what me and all the other analytical second years have been going through. This is a smattering of some of the equations memorized for the first set of exams. Does it give you a headache? Me too.

To end on a happier note, getting up obscenely early to beat traffic and get to an 8am class (this is not the happy part) means I get to see some pretty incredible sunrises (happy). A few days ago I was sitting still on the highway, looked to my right, and was greeted with this view. It's times like this I'm thankful I have a camera phone. Good morning, downtown Austin.

Now, back to studying.

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