Friday, April 10, 2015

Day Six Hundred Eighteen

Thank goodness it's the weekend. This week has been so exhausting that I'm not even sure how I'm still awake right now. Oh wait, yes I do...grading. I procrastinated tonight like a true champion when it came to grading, and I'll pay dearly for it tomorrow. But it was nice to have a couple hours of just doing absolutely nothing. In good news, one of my students decided to be funny on his lab report, and that always makes grading a little more pleasant. I wish I was allowed to give bonus points for it. This is the title page for said report. The focus of this lab was to test if a car's CO emission was below the EPA mandated limit of 2.1%. It should be noted that they messed up their calculations, so whoever's car they used isn't quite the "Bane of Mother Nature" that this student said. But still. Best title page ever.

This weekend will be madness. I have 60 lab reports to grade, a prelab of my own to complete, and a seminar to start doing background research for and writing. So, with the exception of a baseball game tomorrow (to which I'll likely take reports to grade), I'll spend the entire weekend holed up in my (awesome, wonderful, relaxing) apartment working and listening to the rain outside. 

I was reminded via Facebook that today is national sibling day. So, Jeff, thanks for being an awesome sibling, even though when we were younger you were sometimes a pain in the butt (to be fair, I'm sure I was too). You're one of my favorite people to talk to and spend time with, and I can't wait to come visit sometime again soon, wherever the Air Force may send you.

And Krystle, we're fairly new at this whole sibling thing, but you're pretty much the best sister-in-law a girl could ask for, so happy sibling day to you as well!

Love you both!

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