Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day Six Hundred Twenty Five

So, turns out, the Texas Museum of Science is in a slightly sketchy warehouse that still has Rec Soccer decals on the building (see below) --

Am I going to a famous science exhibit? Or should I instead be worried that I forgot to bring my shin guards? To add to the weirdness, you walk inside, and there's still astroturf on the ground. I think it's safe to say that the Texas Museum of Science has a lot (A. LOT.) of work to do. In fact, it might be a bit of an overstatement to use the descriptor "museum" when it should really be "Texas Warehouse of Science." Regardless, the exhibit was pretty awesome. If it's ever in town near you, I highly recommend it.

After Body Worlds, I ran to Michael's to pick up a poster frame, and good grief...when did those get so expensive?! I bought one anyway, because my Sherlock Holmes poster came in the mail yesterday and I couldn't wait to hang it up. Here it is!

Oh my gosh I love it. All the dark parts behind the silhouette are words from the book. Looking closely, I think they actually fit the entire "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" on that poster. And I now literally have a book hanging on my wall, and it's the best thing ever.

I'll leave you with a photo from last Tuesday's baseball game. Let's all hope that this Tuesday's game goes better!

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