Saturday, April 18, 2015

Day Six Hundred Twenty Four

Another exhausting week. Only 5 more weeks until summer, when I'll finally feel like I have time to breathe again. And read books. Oh how I miss my books.

I had a mid-week baseball reprieve though when I went to watch the Longhorns lose in exquisite fashion on Tuesday evening. Thank you again to the wonderful Deb for sharing her suite with me (and two of my grad student friends) at the game, you are wonderful.

As much as I enjoyed my baseball time, it meant putting off grading....which I paid for dearly on Wednesday night when I stayed up until 1am grading reports. Not fun. Never again (it'll probably happen again). Only one more week of teaching lab and 2 more weeks of grading reports, then I'm free from TAing until hopefully next fall.

The most exciting part of this week? My experiment worked on Friday! IT WORKED!!! This doesn't happen very often, and I like to think it justifies my utterly frantic excitement for when things go unexpectedly according to plan. And all the chemistry grad students got an email that we get a 5% raise starting this coming fall. So basically, Friday was awesome.

I'm still loving my new apartment, and am  excited for when I have time go hang up the final few touches. I can't wait to show off the recent art purchase that I bought and just received in the mail. Its so great. Or as my brother calls it, "intense." I'll take that as a compliment Jeff, even though I'm not sure it was meant to be.

I'll post some much belated photos tomorrow. I would tonight, but I'm writing this post via my phone, and my phone app for blog posts hates photos. So tomorrow it is. And considering I'm going to the Body Worlds exhibit at the Texas Museum of Science may be looking forward to some wonderful pictures. Prepare yourselves.

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