Thursday, April 9, 2015

Day Six Hundred Seventeen

My dad flew in to Austin today! Albeit for an extremely brief visit (less than 24 hours). I'm thrilled to have both my parents with me, and sad that they hit the road to head back to Richmond tomorrow. But, it's been so great to have my mom in town for a couple weeks. And she's been a real trooper considering these past 7 days have been some of the busiest and most exhausting ones I've had in recent memory. Mom, you're the best (and so are you, Dad). I'm still in love with my new place and can't wait to get the final few items hung on the wall to make it really feel like home.

I'm just over a month away from giving my second year seminar...and I'm terrified. Everyone cross your fingers that my experiment tomorrow is successful, because having actual data to present to the analytical faculty would certainly take some of the pressure off.

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