Friday, June 19, 2015

Day Six Hundred Eighty Six

For the past week, my lab mate Mindy and I have been doing a mass purging of all old lab equipment (aka - crap we don't need). Yesterday had us taking an alarming amount of old computer monitors and towers down to surplus. Well also got an old copy machine down to surplus, but only after getting it stuck in the elevator first. It was an adventure to say the least, but I don't have a photo of it because it wasn't an adventure we were particularly proud of.

Today, we learned that one of the computers we took down was a second edition Apple Macintosh. Chemistry pounced on it to put in a display case in Welch Hall, preventing IT from getting their hands on it instead. I can only hope they put a small plaque with the computer saying "courtesy of Shear Lab - master hoarders." But hoarding will no longer be tolerated under the Allison-and-Mindy dictatorship. Our boss has learned that resistance is futile. This lab will be clean, even if it takes us ALL OF OUR DOCTORAL TIME HERE. Bring it, old dusty lab. Bring it.

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